End of Week Update #3

Sorry I’ve been away! Like I said in update 2, the next few weeks are going to be busy, but not training wise – hence the lack of content – I visited the gym maybe 5 or 6 times over April, they were good sessions, but the only purpose they served was to keep my body in the shape I was in beforehand.

So, after 4 weeks of working, revision, 268,818 steps (according to the Google fit app!) and general busyness: this past week, the stars alligned and I was able to do all of my workouts again!

I started the week off on Monday (29th April) with my shoulders and arms routine, everything went well, my movements were a little rusty though and my % max strength had to be adjusted downwards due to the time off.

Tuesday was a clean run-through of my chest and triceps routine, my chest felt like it was burning for the next few days! Nothing new, weight stayed the same but I could’ve gone higher if I wanted, although given the lack of training my best bet was to focus on my form to get my body used to regular training again.

I tried something different with back and biceps this week, putting standard deadlifts in at the start of the routine, rather than on leg day, the exercise went well, and served as a great starter for the rest of the routine, I managed five sets of five deadlifts, 30kg on each side of the barbell.

Leg day is at the end of the training week for a reason- my upper body is tired from all of the lifting and straining, so lower body exercises are pretty much all I can handle! I’m saying this for a reason: during my weighted squats one of the first exercises I perform on leg day, I was approached by a more veteran gym member, who pointed out the screaming flaws with my squatting, and then spent the next 15 minutes with me showing me the proper form and balance for squatting, for which I am extremely grateful, considering I was just a stranger to him.

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